Port Townsend, Washington - Page 2

     After a sufficiency of whimsy and with still plenty of time before our ferry left,
     we drove out to Fort Worden and strolled its beach.

     This obsolete military base reminds one somewhat of San Francisco's Presidio.
     And it has a lighthouse.

Another attraction in the neighborhood was the Aero Museum at the Jefferson County airport. When entering the parking lot we noticed three teenage boys doing some desultory groundskeeping. One was sort of working, another was poking at him with a rake, and the other was poking at a handheld electronic device. Inside, an elderly gentleman was behind the ticket desk and Don joked with him about the three boys "pretending to work" outside. Ooops! That triggered a good-natured, but sober-faced lecture on the founding purpose of the museum being to involve teenage volunteers in a practical and educational activity. Most of the planes in the museum were restored, maintained, and even flown by teenagers (with careful adult supervision, I'm sure.) The museum was started by Jerry & Peggy Thoutte in 2001. Jerry is a retired airline pilot and now sells museum tickets from the counter and lectures ignorant tourists from Ohio on his activities. Don and Marty were rescued by newly arriving tourists and so went inside to view the exhibits. They were very impressive, in wonderful condition, and interesting. See their website.

After the museum we headed back to town to catch the ferry over to Whidbey Island to spend the night in Burlington. Map.

The post office (former Customs House, 1898) is up on a cliff right across the street from the ferry dock.

Waiting in line to board the ferry doesn't have to be dull.

     A few photo ops on the way across

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